I'm so happy to feature my friend Ann Kofsky on the blog today! Ann is a prolific writer and illustrator and a wonderful critique partner as well! I have spotlighted Ann's work before, here and here. Today, Ann shares about the inspiration for her newest book, WHAT'S IN TULI'S BOX? and shares about stories . . . creativity . . . and connection. Welcome back, Ann!
STORIES – Discuss the inspiration for your ideas and stories, and share the process about your latest projects.

My latest book, WHATS IN TULI'S BOX was definitely inspired by all the Sandra Boyton books out there, especially her book of opposites. I read that a zillion times to my kids when they were young, and I loved the idea of using the idea of opposites in a young Jewish picture book. So in this book, the main character, Tuli the kitten, explores the ideas of HEAVY and LIGHT and EMPTY and FULL. And of course, Tuli uses a Tzedakah box to discover these ideas. In the most adorable ways possible.
CREATIVITY -- How do you showcase your creative side through writing/illustrating and other pursuits?
This whole social media thing has been a wonderful place for me to share my illustration work—I like to post my sketches, doodles—whatever I’m working on professionally, or just for fun.
CONNECTION -- How do you connect to your young readers through your writing/illustrating, and how do you stay connected to the KidLit community?
I connect to young readers through the school programs that I do—it’s wonderful to encounter my audience in their natural habitat!
The kid lit community I stay connected to through my writing group, Facebook groups, and other groups like the Jewish Book Council and SCBWI. Social media has really made finding this community much easier than it used to be, and I’ve enjoyed making friends that are part of it!

Ann D. Koffsky is the author and illustrator of more than thirty books, including What’s in Tuli’s Box?, Sarah Builds a School, the Kayla & Kugel series, Judah Maccabee Goes to the Doctor and Sheep Says Shalom. Several of her books have been PJ library selections, and her book Noah’s Swimathon received a Sydney Taylor notable designation from the Association of Jewish Libraries.