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Blog: This Writing Life


Writer's pictureMelissa Stoller

3 Question Interview - TINA SHEPARDSON

I am delighted to turn the spotlight on my amazing friend and critique partner, author Tina Shepardson, whose beautiful picture book released this month! THE SORRY SEEDS, illustrated by Bong Hyun Shin, and published by Gnome Road Publishing, is all about finding the courage to say "I'm sorry." Read on as Tina discusses the event that inspired her book, and shares about stories . . . creativity . . . and connection. Welcome, Tina!

1)    STORIES – Discuss the inspiration for your ideas and stories and share the process about your latest projects.

This is a great question! We all find our ideas in so many different places. Mine come from years of teaching and working with kids, being a dog owner, and of course being a mom! Ideas from these walks of life float into my mind often whether walking my dogs, interviewing kids for my podast, sitting with my thoughts, or participating in Tara Lazar's yearly Storystorm.

The inspiration for THE SORRY SEEDS is based on a personal story that started when I was a student and continued into my teaching career. Years ago, when I had returned to my district as a grade 5 teacher, my first-grade teacher was still teaching but had moved to grade 6 by that point. During the pandemic, she sadly passed away. She loved telling her students the story about how I took apples from her apple tree. In the fall of 1971, when I was almost 6, we were neighbors, and I thought she was still at school one weekday afternoon. I grabbed one of those gorgeous apples without asking her permission, and she caught me.


The kids thought it was such a funny story. I remember it wasn't funny to me because she walked me home to my strict European parents that day, and somehow, I had to face her in school the next morning. I thought about kids finding themselves in similar situations where they have hurt someone's feelings and have to find a way to apologize from the heart. Easier said than done, and the story was born.

I’m very grateful Gnome Road Publishing embraced THE SORRY SEEDS, and the book’s message of forgiveness and personal growth as a story that adds value to young children’s lives. Bong Hyun Shin’s beautiful illustrations bring the story to life with her unique use of abstract layers and a warm color palette. Her artwork creates a vibrant, emotional world that perfectly complements the characters and their journey. 



2)    CREATIVITY -- How do you showcase your creative side through writing/illustrating and other pursuits?


Creativity is an artist’s lifeline no matter what kind of artist we are. When writing, I really try to use words in ways that are fun and generate emotions with readers in stories they can see themselves in.

I also channel my creativity into my podcast for kids, "The Lil’ Leaders Podcast: Conversations with Kids," and its Instagram account, @thelilleaderspodcast. This platform has been an incredible space to connect with kids, hear their stories, and highlight their leadership and role model qualities. Through these posts, children can build confidence, foster connections, and develop strategies to handle everyday challenges.



3)    CONNECTION -- How do you connect to your young readers through your writing/illustrating, and how do you stay connected to the KidLit community? 


I connect with young readers through the characters and storylines I create, and the illustrator brings it all to life so beautifully. These illlustrations are inviting and relatable, allowing kids to see themselves within the stories. In addition, zoom visits, school visits, and library visits provide more opportunities to connect as well.


Within the Kid Lit community, I stay connected by participating in various Facebook groups, professional writing groups, critique groups, promotional groups, and other social media platforms. This has been a wonderful way to support and connect with others, meet new people, and share both triumphs and challenges.






Tina, an award-winning teacher of 33 years, now delights, educates, and inspires children by writing children's books. Her literary journey began at age 8, crafting booklets with crinkled paper, crayons, yarn, and a hole puncher. Author of Walkout, Canines Unleashed (2024), and The Sorry Seeds (2024), she created and hosts, celebrating young leaders and literacy by interviewing kids about their life experiences in the hopes of impacting others. Tina volunteers with the Book Buddy Program, enhancing students' literacy skills. When not writing, this winter enthusiast embraces Upstate New York and the Catskills with her husband, daughter, and two Akitas, one snowstorm at a time. Tina is repesented by Sharon Belcastro of The Belcastro Agency. Discover more at













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